How Do You Know if You Have a Good PI Case?

Learn the five signs that indicate you have a strong personal injury case.
Accidents happen in a second, but the injuries they cause stay with victims for years and sometimes even for the rest of their life. If you have been hurt due to another person’s negligence, or carelessness, you may be wondering if it is worthwhile to file a lawsuit against them. People are often hesitant to file lawsuits for many reasons. One of the main ones is that they are unsure of whether they actually have a strong case. Below, our Texas personal injury lawyer outlines five signs that you have a strong personal injury case.
You Suffered Proven Injuries
When you have accurate and consistent medical reports documenting the injuries you sustained during the accident, it greatly strengthens your case. Medical records are very difficult to dispute, which is why it is so critical to seek treatment after any accident. Once you can easily prove your injuries, you can then move on to proving the accident was someone else’s fault.
A Common Offense Caused Your Accident
There are many negligent acts that cause accidents resulting in serious injuries. For example, if you fell down a staircase because the steps were not properly maintained, that is a common offense that causes slip and fall accidents. Or, if you were in a drunk driving accident and the police report shows the other driver was intoxicated, that could also greatly strengthen your case by proving negligence.
There is Evidence of the Accident
Unfortunately, simply stating that someone else is liable for paying compensation for your injuries is not enough. You must also prove your case, which requires strong evidence. Some of the strongest evidence used after any accident includes photos and video footage of the accident scene, eyewitness statements, and damage to the property that can show how an accident occurred. Due to the importance of this evidence, it is critical to collect it before leaving the scene of the accident.
You Received a Settlement Offer
Liable parties, and the insurance companies that provide them with coverage, do not want to pay accident victims any compensation. In fact, they use many different tactics to try and reduce, deny, or delay compensation. When an insurance company or at-fault party starts offering settlements, it is an admission that they believe they are at least partly liable. When liable parties legitimately believe they are not responsible, they do not offer any compensation at all. Still, the first offer received is typically far too low to fully cover the cost of injuries and other losses. Never accept a settlement offer before a Texas personal injury lawyer has reviewed it.
You Chose the Right Personal Injury Lawyer in Texas
When filing a personal injury claim, it is critical that you work with the right Texas personal injury lawyer. At the Law Office of Raul A. Guajardo, we will take every step necessary to collect the important evidence in your case and utilize the expert witnesses that will help you obtain the full and fair compensation to which you are entitled. Call us now or contact us online to schedule a consultation and learn more about your legal options.