The Law Office of Raul Guajardo
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The Law Office of Raul Guajardo
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Edinburg Drunk Driving Accidents Attorney
Just like after any other type of crash, accident victims can file a claim for damages after a collision with a drunk driver.
Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is one of the most dangerous behaviors in which any driver could engage. Still, far too many drivers in Edinburg do it every day. Drunk driving causes serious accidents that can result in some of the worst injuries. If you have been hurt by a drunk driver, you have the right to file a claim for damages that can help with your recovery. An Edinburg drunk driving accident lawyer can help you claim the full settlement you deserve.
Determining Liability After a Drunk Driving Accident
It is common for people to think they can hold a drunk driver liable after an accident, and that is true. Drunk driving is against the law in Texas, just as it is in every other state. If you were hurt by a drunk driver, you do not have to prove the other driver was negligent. Any time someone breaks the law and they cause an accident as a result, they are considered negligent per se. This means you do not have to prove they were negligent, or careless. You must only prove the other driver was drunk, which can be done using the accident or toxicology report.
Although you can hold the drunk driver liable after a crash, you may be able to hold other parties at fault, too. If the driver that hit you became drunk at an establishment such as a bar or restaurant, the business may also be partly liable for paying damages. If the business over-served the driver once they become visibly intoxicated and the business did not try to stop them from driving, the establishment can also be held liable.
Recovering Damages After a Drunk Driving Accident
A drunk driving accident will cause you to sustain many losses. Under Texas law, you have the right to file a claim against the drunk driver and anyone else responsible so you can recover those losses. The specific damages available in your case will depend on the facts of your case. However, there are some damages that are more common than others in drunk driving cases. These include:
- Medical expenses, including physical therapy, hospitalizations, medications, and transportation to and from doctor’s appointments
- Lost income, including wages, benefits, bonuses, sick pay, and vacation pay
- Loss of earning capacity, if you cannot return to the same line of work again
- Pain and suffering
- Permanent disfigurement or disability
- Wrongful death damages, which can include loss of companionship and consortium
When filing a claim for damages, it is important to claim both present and future losses so the compensation will fully cover the cost of your injuries.
Our Drunk Driving Accident Lawyer in Edinburg Can Help You Claim Full Damages
If you have been hurt by a drunk driver, it is important that you know your legal options. At the Law Office of Raul A. Guajardo, our Edinburg drunk driving accident lawyer can advise you of what those are, and help you claim the full damages you deserve. Call us today at 956-318-3200 or fill out our online form to schedule a consultation and to learn more about how we can help.