Pedestrian Accident Lawyers in The Rio Grande Valley

We Service Edinburg, McAllen, Brownsville, and San Antonio

Whether you’re walking to work, out for an afternoon run, or your kids are getting to and from school on foot, pedestrians have very specific rights. The Texas Department of Motor Vehicles, as well as Texas state laws, protect pedestrians from careless drivers. They do this by creating rules and regulations drivers must abide by or they could lose their driver’s license.

Unfortunately, accidents happen. When a pedestrian is hit by a driver, the injuries tend to be catastrophic. If you, or a loved one, have been hit by a careless driver call our Rio Grande Valley pedestrian accident injury attorneys now.

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Rio Grande Valley Pedestrian Accident Injury Lawyers

We’re With You

Rio Grande Valley Pedestrian Accident Injury Attorneys

Pedestrian accidents are a grave concern on the bustling streets of Texas, where the interaction between vehicles and pedestrians can often lead to unfortunate incidents. The severity of these accidents cannot be overstated, as they frequently result in serious injuries or fatalities. This section delves into the factors contributing to the severity of pedestrian accidents, the types of injuries often sustained, and the long-term impact on victims and their families.

pedestrian accident injury lawyers in the rio grande valley

The Dynamics of Pedestrian Accidents

The nature of pedestrian accidents inherently puts pedestrians at a significant disadvantage when compared to vehicle occupants. Unlike drivers or passengers in cars, pedestrians lack any form of protective barrier, making them extremely vulnerable to the force of impact. Several factors can contribute to the occurrence and severity of these accidents, including but not limited to:

  • Speed of the Vehicle: Higher speeds increase both the likelihood of pedestrian accidents and the severity of injuries sustained.
  • Point of Impact: The area of the body where a pedestrian is struck significantly influences the outcome. Injuries are generally more severe when the impact is at head level or involves vital organs.
  • Driver and Pedestrian Behavior: Distractions, impairment due to alcohol or drugs, and failure to observe traffic signals or crosswalks are common behaviors leading to accidents.

We Only Get Paid if You Get Paid FIRST – PERIOD

Our motto at The Law Office of Raul Guarjado is “We’re WITH You” every step of the way. And, we show it. Our experienced pedestrian accident lawyers never charge any fees upfront from our clients. In addition, we are only financially compensated if we WIN you MONEY first. That’s right, if we’re unable to win you money you owe us nothing. Let our skilled and experienced Rio Grande Valley pedestrian accident attorneys provide you with a free consultation today.

Why Trust Us With Your Accident Injury Claim?

* Tens of Millions of Dollars Won

* Over 20 Years in Biz

* No FEES Unless You’re PAID First

* Award-Winning Attorney

* Bilingual Staff

* Free Consultations

* 4 Office Locations


Client-Centered Approach

At the core of their practice is a philosophy that places clients first. Recognizing the emotional and physical toll of accidents, The Law Office of Raul Guajardo ensures that each client feels supported and informed throughout the legal process. They take the time to understand the impact of the injury on their client’s life, advocating for full compensation that covers medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

Transparent and Ethical Legal Practice

Transparency and ethics are non-negotiables at The Law Office of Raul Guajardo. They believe in clear communication regarding the progress of cases, the potential outcomes, and the legal strategies employed. Clients are never left in the dark and are provided with all the information needed to make informed decisions about their case.

Let Us Fight For Your Financial Rights After an Accident Injury

Let Us Fight For Your Financial Rights After an Accident Injury

Hurt in a car crash, commercial trucking or 18-wheeler wreck, motorcycle crash, or injured at a business or place of work? Let The Law Offices of Raul Guajardo FIGHT to get you PAID after suffering an injury. If you, or a loved one, have been hurt due to the negligence of another person or party, we may be able to help. Check out our videos, read more info below, or call us now to schedule a FREE consultation.

Hurt in a car crash, commercial trucking or 18-wheeler wreck, motorcycle crash, or injured at a business or place of work? Let The Law Offices of Raul Guajardo FIGHT to get you PAID after suffering an injury. If you, or a loved one, have been hurt due to the negligence of another person or party, we may be able to help. Check out our videos, read more info below, or call us now to schedule a FREE consultation.

Common Injuries Sustained in Pedestrian Accidents

The injuries resulting from pedestrian accidents are often severe and can be life-altering. Some of the most common injuries include:

  • Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI): These can range from mild concussions to severe brain damage, affecting cognitive function, physical abilities, and emotional well-being.
  • Spinal Cord Injuries: Such injuries can lead to partial or complete paralysis, significantly impacting a person’s quality of life and independence.
  • Fractures and Broken Bones: The force of impact can break bones in various parts of the body, some requiring surgical intervention and long-term rehabilitation.
  • Soft Tissue Injuries: These encompass a wide range of injuries from bruises and lacerations to more severe damage to muscles, ligaments, and tendons.

Long-Term Impact on Victims and Their Families

The aftermath of a pedestrian accident extends far beyond physical injuries. Victims may face long recovery periods, during which they are unable to work or perform daily activities. This not only places a financial strain on the victims and their families due to mounting medical bills and lost wages but can also lead to emotional and psychological distress. Depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are not uncommon among accident survivors.

Schedule a Free Consultation With a Rio Grande Valley Pedestrian Accident Injury Lawyer – We’re WITH You

Moreover, the families of victims often find themselves in challenging positions, having to provide care and support while navigating their own emotional responses to the incident. The road to recovery can be long and fraught with challenges, highlighting the need for comprehensive legal support to ensure that victims receive the compensation they deserve.

Pedestrian accidents in Texas are a serious issue that demands attention. The severity of injuries sustained can have profound implications for victims and their families, underscoring the importance of seeking experienced legal representation. The Law Office of Raul Guajardo is dedicated to supporting victims through these trying times, leveraging over two decades of expertise to fight for their rights and secure the financial compensation necessary for their recovery and well-being.

The Legal Landscape of Pedestrian Accident Injuries in Texas

Texas law provides a framework for victims of pedestrian accidents to seek compensation for their injuries. However, navigating the complexities of personal injury law can be daunting. Understanding the nuances of negligence, liability, and the statute of limitations is crucial for building a strong case.

Liability and Negligence in Pedestrian Accidents

In Texas, determining who is at fault in a pedestrian accident involves understanding the concept of negligence. Drivers must adhere to road safety laws, such as yielding to pedestrians in crosswalks. Conversely, pedestrians must also follow laws designed for their safety. A failure by either party to adhere to these laws may be considered negligence.

The Statute of Limitations

Victims of pedestrian accidents in Texas have a limited window to file a lawsuit. Generally, the statute of limitations is two years from the date of the accident. Missing this deadline can result in losing the right to seek compensation.

Rio Grande Valley Pedestrian Accident Injury Attorneys

The Impact of Pedestrian Accidents

Pedestrian-related injuries tend to be severe. Victims may face long-term or permanent disabilities, including traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, fractures, and more. The financial burden of medical bills, lost wages, and rehabilitation can be staggering.

How The Law Office of Raul Guajardo Can Help

With over 20 years of documented success helping victims of pedestrian accidents, The Law Office of Raul Guajardo is well-equipped to navigate the complexities of your case. Our approach is centered on fighting for the financial rights of our clients and their family members.

Hit By a Car While Walking in Edinburg Texas

Comprehensive Legal Support

From the moment you engage our services, we commit to providing comprehensive legal support. This includes:

  • Investigating the Accident: Gathering evidence to build a strong case.
  • Understanding Your Injuries: Working with medical professionals to fully understand the extent of your injuries.
  • Negotiating with Insurance Companies: Ensuring you receive the compensation you deserve without falling prey to lowball offers.
  • Taking Your Case to Trial if Necessary: If a fair settlement cannot be reached, we are prepared to fight for your rights in court.

Personalized Attention

At The Law Office of Raul Guajardo, we understand that each case is unique. We provide personalized attention to understand the specifics of your situation and tailor our strategy accordingly. Our goal is to ensure that you and your family receive the maximum compensation possible.

Call The Law Office of Raul Guajardo – Award Winning Pedestrian Accident Injury Lawyer Serving Edinburg, McAllen, Brownsville, and San Antonio, Texas

The aftermath of a pedestrian accident can be life-changing. However, you don’t have to navigate this challenging time alone. With The Law Office of Raul Guajardo by your side, you have a dedicated ally ready to fight for your rights. Our extensive experience and commitment to our clients make us a formidable force in seeking justice for pedestrian accident victims.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a pedestrian accident in Texas, contact us today for a consultation. Let us help you take the first step towards securing the compensation you deserve.

Common Injuries Faced by Pedestrian Accident Victims

Pedestrian accidents can result in a wide range of injuries, many of which have the potential to be life-altering. The most common types of injuries include:

  • Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI): TBIs are among the most severe outcomes of pedestrian accidents. They can range from mild concussions with temporary symptoms to severe brain damage causing permanent cognitive, physical, and emotional impairments.
  • Spinal Cord Injuries: These injuries can lead to partial or complete paralysis, dramatically altering the course of a victim’s life. The level and severity of the paralysis depend on the area of the spine that’s injured.
  • Fractures: Broken bones are common in pedestrian accidents, with the legs, arms, ribs, and pelvis being particularly vulnerable. Some fractures can be complex, requiring surgical intervention and lengthy rehabilitation.
  • Internal Injuries: The force of impact can cause internal bleeding and damage to organs, which can be life-threatening if not treated promptly.

Life-Altering Consequences

More often than not, injuries sustained in pedestrian accidents are not just temporary setbacks but can lead to long-term or permanent disabilities such as paralysis or brain damage. Such outcomes mean that an injury victim may require ongoing medical care, including surgeries, rehabilitation, medication, and personal support, potentially for the rest of their life. The need for specialized equipment, home modifications, and long-term personal care can also impose a significant financial burden on the victims and their families.

Challenges in Securing Compensation

When it comes to securing adequate compensation from insurance companies representing at-fault parties, victims often face an uphill battle. Insurance companies are in the business of minimizing payouts and may employ various tactics to reduce the amount they have to pay. Some potential complications include:

  • Disputing Liability: Insurance companies may attempt to shift some or all of the blame onto the victim to reduce their liability.
  • Underestimating Costs: Insurers might underestimate or dispute the extent and cost of injuries and required long-term care.
  • Delayed Payments: Delay tactics are common, where insurers drag out the process in hopes that victims will settle for less out of financial desperation.
  • Surveillance and Privacy Invasion: In some cases, insurance companies resort to surveillance tactics to find evidence that they can use to dispute the severity of injuries.

Given these complexities and challenges, it’s crucial for pedestrian accident victims to seek legal representation. A knowledgeable and experienced personal injury attorney can navigate these hurdles, advocating for the victim’s rights and fighting for the compensation required to cover medical expenses, lost wages, and other damages. Legal expertise becomes indispensable in ensuring that victims receive the support they need for both immediate recovery and long-term care.

Award Winning Personal Injury Lawyers in The Rio Grande Valley

We handle much more than just motor vehicle accident injuries. Read below to learn more about all of the types of cases we handle for accident victims. Or if you’re ready to talk to a Rio Grande Valley personal injury lawyer, call us now. We’re here to take your call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

How Much Is Your Pedestrian Accident Injury Case Worth?

Have you been injured in a car crash, truck accident, morotcycle wreck, or hurt at a store or place of business? Let our team of injury lawyers FIGHT to get you PAID. Talk to an attorney NOW for FREE.

A History of Service and Support for Accident Victims in The Rio Grande Valley

With deep ties to The Rio Grande Valley community, the firm’s long history reflects a genuine commitment to the people it serves. This connection to the region is evident in every case they take on, ensuring that local values and understanding underscore their legal strategies.

Accessible Office Locations

With offices strategically located in Edinburg, McAllen, Brownsville, and San Antonio, TX, The Law Office of Raul Guajardo ensures that expert legal help is never far away for residents of The Rio Grande Valley.

Exceptional Client Experiences and Peer Recognition

The firm’s dedication to excellence has not gone unnoticed. Glowing 5-star reviews across Google attest to their exceptional service and successful outcomes. Moreover, Rio Grande Valley injury attorney Raul Guajardo’s expertise has been recognized with a prestigious Client’s Choice Award from AVVO.

With You – Every Step of the Way

At The Law Office of Raul Guajardo, the message is clear: “We’re With YOU – Every step of the way.” This pledge is more than a tagline; it’s a promise to stand by their clients from initial consultation through to the resolution of their case.

For those in need of a seasoned personal injury attorney in The Rio Grande Valley, look no further than The Law Office of Raul Guajardo. Their experience, dedication, and unwavering support make them the ideal choice for anyone seeking justice after an accident injury. Contact them today to schedule your free consultation and take the first step towards securing the compensation you deserve.